Sunday, December 22, 2019

1984 Doublethink Analysis - 1237 Words

The Role of Doublethink in The Government of 1984 â€Å" War is peace. Freedom is slavery. Ignorance is strength,†. The following quote originates from the infamous novel, 1984 by George Orwell. The significance of this popular quote was to display an example of the action of doublethink. Doublethink is the act of having two contradictory thoughts at the same time and believing both are true. Doublethink plays an influential role in the novel, 1984. The novel takes place in a super-state by the name of Oceania which covers the entire continents of our America in reality. The main character of this novel is Winston Smith, a thirty-nine year-old Party member who works at the Ministry of Truth correcting â€Å"errors† in past publication who has a†¦show more content†¦For the Party, the past not fixed and permanent; its reality is evident only in records,† (Becnel 11). Throughout the novel, it was often mentioned that the Party hired workers such as the mai n protagonist, Winston, to alter history the way they wanted it. If the Party has control over what was written down in history, they can easily manipulate their citizens to believe anything that they claim is true. This ability of control over history has also opened up the opportunity to alter the memories of the citizens of Oceania. Being able to control the memories of the people and causing them to believe one thing and another is an example of doublethink. The Party used doublethink in order to increase and strengthen their power over the citizens. Power is also a factor that revolves around the action of doublethink. Becnel mentions the importance of doublethink and power in his critic upon the novel, â€Å" Doublethink is the foundation on which the Partys power rests,† (Becnel 11). Becnel’s claim basically states that in order to maintain and strengthen their power, the Party must resort to doublethink in order to have better control of their citizens. Althoug h the Party has taken actions such as altering history and having a great amount of control over the people to express doublethink, they have also done expressed doublethink inShow MoreRelated1984 Doublethink Analysis1497 Words   |  6 Pages1984 Connection: In 1984, George Orwell illustrates a dystopian society in which he emphasizes the influential contribution of language to the psychological manipulation the Party imposes. Specifically, through the concept of Doublethink, Orwell highlights the ironic names of the Partys ministries as means to euphemize what they actually are. 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